Regroup, Refresh, and Rebrand 

It was March of 2022 when I stepped off the plane in Orlando, Florida to meet the ETHERFAX team for the first time at HIMSS. From the CEO to the salespeople, everyone made me feel comfortable, accepted, and right at home. For those of you who have had the pleasure of working with anyone on the ETHERFAX team, you’ll know what I mean when I say I was immediately accepted into “la familia.” 

Of course, being a creative, I was also soaking in everything “designed” at the event. From booth layouts, digital walls, animations, and logos, right down to the swag, my head was swirling with ideas and excitement about how I could improve on “mi familias” look, feel, and presentation to the world. 

I would be remiss if I didn’t admit that the outward brand of ETHERFAX in no way reflected the genius, passion, and pursuit of excellence that every employee shared inside. Nor did it reflect the strict standards imposed on ourselves to produce a product far exceeding what anyone else was doing in our current space. The more time I spent with the team, the more important it became to me to make sure that I would be able to bring the outside perception of our family much closer to what we actually accomplish every day within our virtual walls. 

For the past two years, between meetings, marketing, and rolling up my sleeves to produce an updated interim look to the brand I inherited, in the back of my mind, I have been dreaming and planning for a full-on rebrand. I just needed to be patient while we worked out the kinks together to decide the best path forward. Once it was agreed upon, the powers that be gave me carte blanche and it was full steam ahead.  

We started with a brand audit, interviewing executives, employees, partners, and customers. Slowly, the new brand platform emerged. I began thinking about messaging, colors, fonts, and finally, the new logo. My dreams were becoming a reality. Is there anything more satisfying than leading and designing a complete rebrand? Not for this gal! It is pure joy. 

As the logo will be the most prominent change you will notice, I can tell you a little bit about the thought process behind its creation. At the core of ETHERFAX’s services is orchestrating the reliable and secure exchange of your data between any two endpoints. From there, we can do so much more, but it all starts with the integrated exchange of your data. Accordingly, the base of our logo and most recognizable shape is a bold and confident “X”.  The X is created from 2 distinct shapes, an E and an F, that reinforce who we are. An orange bump rounds out the circular shape, highlighting our way forward, our innovation, and our interoperability. 

I’m so excited to share my labor of love with you and introduce you to the new ETHERFAX brand. It’s light, it’s fresh, it’s forward. So go ahead, visit our website, meet our family, follow us on social, sign up for our newsletter, and learn how we are innovating the interoperable exchange of data. 

Sarah Stepic

As Creative Director at ETHERFAX, Sarah leverages her design and marketing management background to navigate global brand complexities and deliver impactful creative solutions across diverse platforms.

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